Horus KaNakht TutMoses Tutankhamon Son of Ra

Horus KaNakht TutMoses Tutankhamon Son of Ra
The Haunted Pharaoh

Monday, January 2, 2012

Tut loved Ankh not necessarily Life.... Word Puns in Ancient Egypt


Word Puns in Ancient Egypt

On the Lotus chalice, it reads that "Tutankhamon loves life," when in actuality the reference is to his wife's name, Ankh-esnamon, who was his "water lily flower." I would not think that someone whose very image can kill people would "love life," as the supernatural element surrounding him attests to.

People then made the error that "all ancient Egyptians loved life" based on the Lotus Chalice inscription. They [A.E.] realized that life or livelihood continued after Earth and in another form, and they prepared for it, as found among out-of-body experiences and astral travel to Duat / the Otherworld. Ancestor worship and belief in an afterlife strengthened their bond to the spirit realm. Spiritual knowledge surpassed physical science in those times. Pictures of the soul hovering over the body are found in tombs, mummy cases, and funerary papyri.

Word Puns are words with multiple meanings. The Ankh mirror case is one, as are words overused and rather than create a new word, the same word is given a different meaning. Blame lazy scribes.

M7, 2011.

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