Horus KaNakht TutMoses Tutankhamon Son of Ra

Horus KaNakht TutMoses Tutankhamon Son of Ra
The Haunted Pharaoh

Monday, February 6, 2012

A funny thing happened on the way to Heaven, in Ancient Egypt:

A funny thing happened on the way to Heaven, in Ancient Egypt:
(C) Copyright 2012 Michael J. Costa M7

It was a great honor to be dead in Ancient Egypt.
1. You get a new house (Tomb) and new furniture (never used).
2. You get new possessions, better than anything you had in life.
3. People whom you never met cry for you and throw dust over their heads in your honor.
4. It [funeral] helps the local economy, and gives people work.
5. It [funeral] lasts 70 days, longer than any normal holiday.
6. You get free food & drink offerings.
7. You are the envy of the Otherworld.

M7 :)

origins of humanity

AS it said in my first novel of (C) 1990: Eye of the Pharaoh, The Human Race existed on a nearby planet, which exploded following Nuclear War. Parts of the explosion hit Earth, and killed the Dinosaurs; other asteroids containing Human bodies hit Kenya and Asia, and out came Humanoids or Human DNA, which interspersed onto Earth & Earthian DNA. Most Human beings are genetically linked to Kenya or Asia. Human people did not "evolve from Dinosaurs." If however their DNA mutated off Dinosaurs upon collision, then human people would have Dinosaur DNA features.

My book was the FIRST to suggest that Asteroids killed the Dinosaurs (dispersed in 1991-1994, prior to some scientists who plagiarized my ideas after they read it).

M7, 2012.

Monday, January 23, 2012

the real reason for building Pyramids and other monuments in Egypt

When the Nile River floods, all the farmers are temporarily out of work. Unrest and unemployment is 90% of the population. So the Kings created monuments out in the empty desert, away from the flood waters. This was busy-work for the people.

Khufu must have had millions of farm laborers; so he built the Great Pyramid at Giza. This monument took some time to build, and crime rates were low as a result. In later periods, crime rates and unemployment/unrest were high, leading to civil decline or corruption. The Middle Kingdom did this. The New Kingdom was focused on temple buildings and expanding the Empire. Ramses 3 had some unrest leading up to a coup; this followed Ramses 2 the Great, who built more temples than anyone, and who secured peace with the Hittites; Ramses 3 had military invasions as well. In the Late to Ptolemaic Periods, construction was less as Egypt was overtaken by foreigners. Romans saw Egypt as supplying their empire with grain, and some monuments were constructed.

The 19th Dynasty saw tomb building with Osiris as State Deity. The afterlife was popular as a diversion or escapism. After Rome fell, other invaders took control of Egypt, such as the Muslims, who built mosques near Cairo and Alexandria.

M7, 2012.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Nostradamus did not predict 2012 "end of the world" because he was Chronokinetic and wrote things that may influence Time, but has since reincarnated and changed that.

Prophets in a religious sense are a form of Priest.
They do not see the future and then write about it, because once people read it they want to change the prediction. Except for what happened to Henry the Second, anyway. Henry 2 tried to prevent his own death after Nostradamus told him how it would end, and the result was the same. Mohammad was a Priest, not one who predicted the future; however both Mohammad and Nostradamus are on (M7's) Record of Incarnations, as they both had Chronokinesis, not Clairvoyance.

This relates to Tutankhamon because of the prophecy in my novel, Eye of the Pharaoh, parts of which became real decades after written... The book was about Tutankhamon (1989 CE). Such as The Democracy Movement in the Middle East, Al Qaeda, the book's own publication, Iran's nuclear weapons program, etc.

M7, 2012.


[Post Deleted]

M7, 2012

Sunday, January 15, 2012

KV64 - not Ankhesenamon


M7, 2012.

New Tomb KV64
of Musician from Karnak.