Horus KaNakht TutMoses Tutankhamon Son of Ra

Horus KaNakht TutMoses Tutankhamon Son of Ra
The Haunted Pharaoh

Friday, December 30, 2011

video on tomb - HK

M7, 2011.

video on items - HK

M7, 2011.

video on vase

M7, 2011

Video by Heritage-Key website.

M7 :)

Foreign Tribute of Wars




(Slandering the Dead):

Results of genetic tests conducted in 2010

Genetic tests published in February 2010 have confirmed that the body found buried in tomb KV55 was the father of Tutankhamun, spouse of the Younger Lady of KV35, and the son of Amenhotep III and queen Tiye. The age of the mummy is mostly given as that of 18–21 years of age at death, based on numerous studies in the past. The recent genetic study has claimed the body as that of Akhenaten.[31] They mostly claim the age of death as around 35, based on 'spinal degeneration', which was not mentioned by any of the previous anthropological studies done on the mummy. Further anatomical studies of the KV55 skeletal remains were also undertaken at this time, with the team concluding that they were much older than previously assumed.[32] The reports sums up the issue by saying that "the proof that Amenhotep III and Queen Tiye are the parents of KV55, combined with this anthropological and archaeological evidence, indicates that the mummy in KV55 is almost certainly Akhenaten".[32] Though this statement will be subject to discussion for a while, as some still think the age estimates are against Akhenaten, and support the identification as Smenkhkare instead.

(People want KV55 Mummy to be Akhenaton so they can worship him as the world's First Monotheist, as the modern world only believes in One God. Tsk, tsk. He isn't. Smenkhkara's tomb was likewise violated before Tut died, so Tut was buried with KV55 mummy's coffins, canopic jars and mini-organ coffins, and other relics in Smenkhkara's tomb, reused and painted over (usurped). Future evidence will clear this up).

M7, 2011.

Tribute bearers from Nubia and Syria are shown in tomb murals during era of Tutankhamon.



Battles of Tutankhamon

The battles of Tutankhamon:




As in my research (Eye of the Pharaoh/The Flawed Emerald), new "evidence" supports the idea that Tut did wage war on the battlefield, if not dying from one outcome of a battle against the Hittites.

1. Nubians
2. Syrians (Djety)
3. Libyans
4. Hittites


The War Chest found in his tomb served 2 purposes:
1. To state he went to war against the enemies of Egypt (9-bows)
2. To magically continue the conquest into his afterlife, by drawing it.

Temple walls could tell a similar picture, once found or reconstructed.

His wife, Ankhesnamon, wrote to the Hittite King for one of his sons as a peace treaty would indicate. The Hittite Empire was encroaching upon Egyptian sand after Akhenaton's failed foreign policy. Tut went to war for maintaining its borders and to gain funds for rebuilding Egypt post-Amarna Period.

M7, 2011.

same birthday, same occupations


Howard Carter was born on the same day I was, and almost within 100 years apart!

Call that one for numerology.

He was first an artist, then became interested in Archaeology.

Now, in my case, I was an artist before college seeking a degree in Archaeology (1999 CSUH). Howard Carter found Tut's tomb on November 4, then waited 3 weeks for Lord Carnarvon to enter Egypt (no commercial airplanes existed then, he came by boat or train), and opened the tomb on the night of November 25, 1922; the official day was Nov. 26, 1922 following the premature disclosure that the tomb was "almost intact." The tomb was intact, but Carter & his gang said it was "robbed in antiquity" to cause it to appear that they had nothing to do with that (pilfering tombs was common among early Archaeologist treasure-hunters).

Call this Karma, but evidence supports the theory that M7 = Tutankhamon reincarnated.

The Ka energy being still haunts the tomb, but the soul resides in current form, with occasional memory relapses or flash backs whenever I encounter something familiar as found when learning about artifacts or ancient history, or items from Egypt / Made in Egypt, etc.

I have a soapstone heart scarab that was Made in Egypt recently (20 years ago); whenever I handle it I sense memories from Egypt, during Old Kingdom era mostly, as soapstone may have been near the Old Kingdom region.

M7, 2011.

Restoration Stela of Tut


The Restoration Stela of Tutankhamun states the condition of the country as a result of the Civil War over religion, from the reign of Akhenaton (the cross-dressing heretic king). It tells how the temples were neglected and in need of repair, and that by closing the temples, people lost their faith and their prayers went unanswered.

Tut goes on to repair the temples, building new ones that are later stolen by his successor pharaohs. Pharaohs steal monuments of earlier kings to save space and economic reasons. Or build on top of earlier monuments, reuse blocks, or chisel out the names of former rulers and replace with their own, as Ramses 2 complained about.

M7, 2011.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Curse of the Eye

Eye of the Pharaoh, Copyright 1990, 1995 (The Flawed Emerald):

Nothing upsets me more than someone stealing my work from me, and I was never compensated for it. Such was the case with my first novel, written in 1989-1990, entitled "Eye of the Pharaoh", a semi-fictional novel (first person narrative) about King Nebkheperura Tutankhamon and a later portion that was autobiographical as a security feature.

In 1991 I let a psychology counselor borrow it for a few days to read and critique it. She photocopied it without asking me, and it said "Copyright 1990" on the cover. My best friend had died the previous year, and I was in therapy for it (along with some family issues).

In 1992 she published it, while I was in College. People who read it assumed wrongly that I already knew this was going on. They wanted to meet "King Tut" said an Egyptian girl in my algebra class. Two women dressed up as a character from the book to gain my attention. Media in CA were abuzz and gossip was rampant. In 1994 i pieced together the evidence, and in Winter 1994 I alerted the public on a BBS website. The book now had its author.

People wanted to interview me or send me phone calls from the college radio show program, which I ignored. Gossip led to people asking about the contents of the book, some believed wrongly that I wrote from someone else's opinions, and did not deserve to be paid. The book made a lot of money, money that I never saw.

After 2002 the NSA censored it from public libraries and my neighbors, mentioned in the book, started to "investigate my assets from the book that they believed I was spending." The Patriot Act (NSA) believed my book was "related to the war on terrorism," because well I wrote it. My book was written by someone with Chronokinesis, the ability to influence Time and the Future events. Nostradamus had this ability.

The book was labeled a "true story" but it was fiction that became reality via the Power of Gods. If I was in Ancient Egypt, I would be worshiped for it. Instead I exist in 2011 where people are suspicious and conspiracies are everywhere.

M7, 2011.

Years 9 to 12: Civil War over Religion

At age 9 Tut became King. But before he could do anything, he endured the Civil War on religion. The Atonists went about destroying statues, blotting out the plural form of GODS from all monuments, closed temples, diverted offerings to Aton temples, fired priests who did not conform, and upset the people.

Today we find this in Iraq and Egypt, with Shias and Sunni Muslim sects or Taliban of Afghanistan vs. Buddhists.

The Civil War lasted over 3 years time. At age 12, Tut changed his name and policy to Orthodox Polytheism. He rebuilt and repaired temples, made solid gold statues of Amun, the former State Deity, and to pay for this he led raids into gold-rich Nubia and prosperous Syria and Libya, who sent him tribute/taxes. This appeased the people. His predecessor Smenkhkara had his tomb violated during the Civil War; so contents were recycled for tut's burial in the same tomb (KV62). Smenkhkare was found in KV55 in a stripped coffin, thought to contain the cross-dresser Heretic Akhenaton. Smenkhkara may have been the son of Nebmaatra Amonhotep 3 and brother of Meritaton [Merit-Ra], also a name for Nefertiti's daughter. This is the genetic parents of Tut, as revealed in 2010 CE.

M7, 2011.

heir to the throne?

Akhenaton had mostly female children. His wife Nefertiti only had daughters, and her sister also had daughters when married to Horemhab as his queen. There is no mention of him having a son on the official murals from Al Amarna (Akhetaton), only him and his daughters and wife. One talatat (fragment) said "tut was his bodily son", but this was propaganda. Akhenaton did not have male children, or they would be in an honored position at his Court. Akhenaton himself could be seen as a "Lesbian Pharaoh" based on "his" portraits: his feminine physique (legs, hips), and when Nefertiti claimed royal titles following some "argument" she was portrayed as "male." Political intrigue, though, is presently missing from the record. We can presume all did not work out for the new prophet.

Smenkhkara was his co-regent or successor, shown with wife Meritaton (daughter of Nefertiti). Akhenaton could have divorced Nefertiti for lack of a son, married his own daughters as a replacement, then adopted Tut as his heir.

M7 :)

The Ankh Mirror and Cryptography

The spelling of tut's name: Tut + Ankh + (God)Amon/Aton.
or "Living Image of the God."

The Ankh also means "Mirror" as when applied to the word "Image" (Tut) it means:

The evidence for this comes from the golden mirror case found in his tomb (see pic).
The mirror is his name written in Cryptography. Cryptography was common in Ancient Egypt, to preserve names as images so that no one can take their names as ones own.
Nebmaatra Amonhotep 3 did this as did Ramses 2.

Tut ankh aton would be "reflection of the Sun on Earth,"
and Tut ankh amon would be "reflection of the hidden God."

M7, 2011.


The word "Aten" also means "mirror" - page 98-A, An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary, Vol. 1, E.A. Wallis Budge.

Ankh means "Mirror case" (p.126-B).

So Tut + Ankh = Image + Mirror Case + Mirror (Aten) = Mirror Case (artifact).

M7 :)

theory about chest injury


Some theorists claim Tut died from a "massive chest injury" from hunting wild beasts, or that he "fell from his chariot." Another theory is that he was "pigeon chested" or had a inverted breastbone (pectis excavatum), whereby his chest appears to be "missing." His chest may have been cut open while being mummified by thieves looking for a jeweled heart scarab, also missing. In 1985 I had chest surgery for this, and had prayed to Anubis for a heart scarab amulet. Ironically I was also born on Howard Carter's birthday and was 3 weeks premature, like the 3 weeks it took to open the tomb after discovery on November 4, 1922. With each new probe onto this mummy, new theories are conceived. Just leave him alone. People who enter the tomb have been reported as "crying for no reason" or are "chased out by angry ghosts." The Ka energy of his tomb follows his junk around the world. It is active when people call his names. His angry Ka is homicidal, why would anyone want to disturb him?

M7, 2011.

Howard Carter video

golden throne video

golden throne of Atonism



The golden throne, the one with Ankhesenamon on the back anointing her husband Tutankhamon, came from his early childhood. It was not thrown out after Nefertiti complained it was "junk." But now, in today's world, art is appreciated and who else to share with but the whole world in a museum?

The throne has lion heads on the arm rest posts. Aton the solar One God shines through a ceiling portal, anointing the Nisut with his hands, bestowing life on him.

The throne was found in the tomb antechamber.

The official throne was not found in any tomb, as the heir would use it. Most tomb furnishings are either made for the afterlife or are used junk from one's life.

M7, 2011.

The white Lotus chalice



The white lotus chalice, symbolic of night (white lotus opened at night, blue lotus opened in morning; blue lotus symbolized rebirth with the Sun while white lotus symbolized death or eternal life), was found in the entry passage of KV62. Howard Carter found it among items being stolen by ancient thieves. It was not found in the original position. The inscription reads: "May your Ka (spiritual life force or energy) live, May you spend millions of years, Oh, lover of Thebes, sitting with your face toward the north wind and your eyes beholding happiness". This cup was the Holy Grail of Tutankhamon, wishing him eternal life.

The Ka or life force / spiritual energy remains in the tomb to protect the mummy.
This energy can cause electrical anomalies when "awake."

M7, 2011.

wine found in KV62 - Tut


Fans of pinot blanc may be relieved to learn that an archaeology team has reported the first evidence of white wine in ancient Egypt. And it has turned up in the tomb of King Tutankhamen.

In King Tutankhamen's tomb for example, sealed around 1322 B.C., two amphorae had yielded traces of red wines, "irp" to the ancients, one of them holding high-quality "shedeh" wine.

In my original research from 1989, I discovered that the last date of issue for wine in Tutankhamon's tomb came from his 19th year of life, or year 10 of his reign. This helped determine his age. I used the book, "King Tut's wine cellar," for the data, when writing Eye of the Pharaoh, c.1990.

M7, 2011.